Naramata Inn sign
grooms tie
side table
groom getting ready
groom getting ready
groom's wedding shoes
groom's wedding shoes
groom in window
Chinese wedding dress
mom with iphone
bride's wedding shoes
bride getting ready
make-up time on wedding day
bride spraying perfume
Mother of bride putting on necklace
bride sneak peek of groom
first look setup
bride and groom first look
tapping groom on the shoulder
groom seeing bride for the first time
bride and groom holding hands
groom and bride looking at each other
Mother of bride looking through window
bride and groom portrait
bride and groom holding each other
bride and groom laughing
patio at Naramata Inn with bride and groom
bride and groom on patio
bride and groom in tight
bride and groom looking out bedroom window
bride and groom in hallway at Naramata Inn
bride looking out door window
bride hanging out with flowers on patio at Naramata Inn
artistic bridal boquet
groom and bride looking at each other
groom and bride walking through property
Naramata Inn wedding
wedding ceremony at Naramata Inn
wedding ceremony
wedding ceremony at Naramata Inn
mirror reflection of wedding ceremony
Naramata Inn wedding
exchanging wedding rings
wedding vows
first kiss at wedding
just married
just married
bride and groom kissing
leaving wedding ceremony
bride and groom portrait
bride and groom sitting
Chinese tea ceremony
Chinese tea ceremony
Chinese tea ceremony
Chinese tea ceremony
Chinese tea ceremony
bride and groom enjoying some wine
bride and groom in close
moment between bride and groom
wedding rings
patio dinner
dinner party view through window
bride and groom toast
wedding cheers
gazpacho with wild prawns
naramata inn 5 course menu
haywire wine at wedding
hamachi fermented strawberry
chef explaining menu at Naramata Inn
table setting at 5 course dinner
Hamachi fermented strawberry
Oyster with shitake
dinner party
wine pairing at Okanagan wedding
chef in kitchen
chef in kitchen at Naramata Inn
Chef in kitchen
wine and dinner event
wine event
roche wine
Naramata Inn patio reception
dessert at Naramata Inn
guest enjoying dinner
chair details
Just married at Naramata Inn